Exhibition at Vesturbæjarlaug, swimming pool, Reykjavík

Radio interview, RÚV, hlusta hér ︎


Co-curated with Odda Júlía Snorradóttir at Hafnarborg, Centre of Culture and Fine Art, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. 

The exhibition was on view from 14 September - 30 December, 2023.

Radio interview, RÚV: Hlusta hér ︎

excerpt from the catalogue:


- NORDIC NOISE (2022-2024) ︎

Nordic Noise is a cross-artistic curator project that will take place from 2022 to 2024. Six young artist and curators participating in the project will contribute to Nordic Noise’s artistic direction.

Nordic Noise will research the Nordic dimension in the arts; and through the program the participants will meet and confer with professional curators, artists, and producers. Text and other materials from the process will be published online along the way, and selected items will end up in a physical publication at the end of the project. In addition, Nordic Noise will create an Open Call for a young Nordic / International art festival.

The participants in Nordic Noise will work in small collaborative residencies consisting of workshops and seminars with the other participants, moving between our partners in Kristiansand (NO), Reykjavik (IS), the Faroe Islands and Århus (DK).

Read the Journey to Lesvos Zine here: ︎
Listen to a conversation with Janosch Kratz about (un)guided water here: ︎


Reflections Waiving Back er skapandi texti sem er hluti af vefsýningunni Funny People sem sýningastýrð er af Amanda Poorvu sem lokaverkefni hennar í MA í sýningastjórnun frá LHÍ.  Sjö örsögur reyna að lýsa, með kómískum hætti, hvernig netnotkun mótar notandann og hvernig notandin skapar sér spegilmynd í algórithmunum sem skapast við notkun netsins. 

Reflections Waiving Back is a creative text that is a part of the online exhibition Funny People, curated by Amanda Poorvu for her graduation project in Curation, MA, from IUA. Seven sketch stories attempt to capture through comedy how internet use shapes the user and how the user creates a reflection in the personalised algorithms that are specified to the user. 

To see the exhibition ︎ (open until 2023)



Do you know those couples who start dating just because they spend so much time together that they get used to each other’s company and their relationship is built on convenience?  

Sometimes I wonder whether this might be the case with my parasocial crush on Timothée Chalamet. Is he the cutest boy alive, or do I just see pictures of him every day?

Full text ︎


Óvissulögmálið er samstarfsverkefni milli mín, Eyju Orradóttur og Rögnvaldar Konráðs Helgasonar. Það var unnið í skapandi sumarstörfum í Kópavogi sumarið 2019 og var gefið út sem bók. Fyrir miðju bókarinnar má finna tónverk sem samið var Rögnvaldi og var flutt af mér, Eyju og Katrínu Helgu Ólafsdóttur á lokahófi skapandi sumarstarfa. 

The Uncertainty principle is a collaberative project by me, Eyja Orradóttir, and Rögnvaldur Konráð Helgason. It was made in the Creative Summer Program in Kópavogur, Iceland, in the summer 2019, and was published as a book. In the middle of the book there is a musical work composed by Rögnvaldur which was performed by me, Eyja and Katrín Helga Ólafsdóttir at the closing ceremony of the Creative Summer Program.