Fear is a pretty understandable feeling. We’ve all felt it – I hope. The three panelists, at the 11th of December Fear event, all talked about fear from different angles. Sacha Golob viewed it from a philosophical viewpoint, William Badenhorst from a psychoanalytic one and Caterina Albano from the perspective of contemporary art. The discussions were engaging, and my mind was racing: trying to pinpoint which artworks I connected the most to fear.
Golob categorized the way in which we can view fear in four different ways: evaluative, phenomenological, physiological and behavioural. Most of the pictures that Albano, the last panelist, gave examples of represented fear in its evaluative form, where it tracks the world around us and its actual threats, and its depiction in visual art. As the glass figure of the Coronavirus COVID-19 by Luke Jerram.
Golob categorized the way in which we can view fear in four different ways: evaluative, phenomenological, physiological and behavioural. Most of the pictures that Albano, the last panelist, gave examples of represented fear in its evaluative form, where it tracks the world around us and its actual threats, and its depiction in visual art. As the glass figure of the Coronavirus COVID-19 by Luke Jerram.